People break up all the time, but today you have more to be worried about than in the pre-Google days. A woman decided to plaster pictures of her ex on the Internet, with her own nasty captions added. The boy's mother has petitioned
Google to have the images removed, but you can still find them with a Google search. Cry Baby has blurred the eyes in the screen grab from the search results above to protect this innocent.
This is part of the complaint thread started by the boy's mother at Google Webmaster Help:
"My minor son's ex-girlfriend took a copyrighted picture of him (we own copyright) and uploaded it more than 60 times to a website. On each image she wrote slanderous, defamatory and pornographic captions. The webmaster of the site states he removed the images 6 weeks ago, but Google Search still shows all the images. My son is so stressed out and embarrassed and we've done everything we can to get images off of Google including URL removal tool, a letter to Google Legal with all the URLs because of copyright infringement, and nothing has worked!"
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
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