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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Huh? Study says old people are happier than young people

A gray-haired old woman from the United Kingdom
Old and happy about it                Wikipedia
Under the believe it or not section (and I would say not), a new study shows that older people are happier than youngsters. The researchers found that older people tend to selectively remember happier moments in life and are better at accepting disappointments in life. From the researchers:
"Some psychologists believe that cognitive processes are responsible – in particular, focusing on and remembering positive events and leaving behind negative ones. Those processes,  help older people regulate their emotions, letting them view life in a sunnier light. The over-50s are also more likely than younger adults to 'prune' their social circle or friends if they find any of their acquaintances 'bring them down'".
“There is a lot of good theory about this age difference in happiness,” said psychologist Derek M. Isaacowitz of Northeastern University, co-author of the article in Perspectives on Psychological Science,  “but much of the research does not provide direct evidence.”

I think the researchers haven't met some of the nasty old people The Cry Baby has!

Read more on this here.
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Carole said...

Interesting post. I linked to an article in the Economist on older entrepreneurs

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