The Cry Baby is on sabbatical ....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Black students late because slaves were late says professor

Slavery in Brazil, by Jean-Baptiste Debret (17...Image via Wikipedia
Murray State University political science professor Mark Wattier is planning to retire after allegedly making the following remark to two late black students. This is one of the student's recollection of what was said: "Well, it’s OK, I expect it of you guys anyway,’” When asked to clarify, he allegedly said that slaves never showed up on time, so their owners often lashed them for it. Wattier had this to say about the incident:  "I did say, 'Do you know why you were late? There's a theory that a way to protest their master's treatment was for slaves to be late.' Take your pick of versions, but in either case, the good professor has used some bad judgement.


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