The Cry Baby is on sabbatical ....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saudi women in U.S. seek segregation on Facebook

Burka babesImage by Kawetijoru via Flickr
I wish I was making this up, but it's straight from the Arab News:

"JEDDAH: A 22,000-member group for Saudis studying in the US on the social networking website Facebook has been split into two groups, one for women and one for men. The split follows a request from the group’s female members who wanted extra privacy.

“The separate page for Saudi women is a valid decision. We took it to fulfill the wishes of the Saudi women in the US. We have been contacted by a lot of women asking for their private group,” Majed Aleid, media chair of the “Saudis in the US” group, told Arab News in a letter."

This is just sad beyond belief.  Why even bother coming to the U.S.?


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